Martial Arts Kids Wiki

Aksungur Makhdoom (Urdu: اکسانگور مخدوم۔) is a young Pakistani boy who lives in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

He has a dark brown, short hair with a blonde hair dye that slightly reveals a bony, charming face. Sparkling amber eyes, set concealed within their sockets, watch delicately over the village they've come to love for so long.

He has his mother's dupatta (despite his gender), which elegantly compliments his cheekbones and leaves a gracious memory of his luck from her.

He's also a true vanquisher against criminals. He stands big among others, despite his slim frame.

There's something alluring about him, perhaps it's a feeling of happiness or perhaps it's simply his friendly demeanor. Therefore, people tend to be curious about him, while learning as much about him as possible.
